How do you know what level of vaper you are? Its easy, just ask yourself some of these questions:
If you are new to vaping, knowing what battery and tank could be hard for you to decide. Based off of what you are looking for out of vaping, these are some good options:
ELeaf iStick Mini

The iStick Mini is a great starting vape for new users. Why?
- The iStick Mini puts out up 10 Watts of power, and can be raised or lowered as desired. Wattage is the measure of how much power is being supplied to the tanks atomizer. 10 watts is just enough to run high quality tanks at there best required power.
- The Mini is small and light, so it can be carried around easily are stored with ease.
- It comes in 4 different colors to fit your style (Pink, Blue, Silver and Black)
- The mini is durable and sturdy, so it will last as long as you need it to.
- Can be used with top tanks like the EMOW Mega (Kangertech), Nautilus Mini (Aspire), GeniTank (Kangertech), etc.
Kangertech IPOW Twist

The perfect inexpensive battery.
The IPOW twist is another perfect battery for beginners. It is a very simplified with a tiny twisting part at the base of the vape to allow users to range from 3-5 volts. This gives any new user the fun of variable voltage, but the simplicity of a low powered vape. This is best paired with the Aero Tank 3 or the EMOW/EMOW Mega, both made by Kangertech. All together, an EMOW tank with this battery would cost around $40.00 and will last a long time.
The IPOW twist is another perfect battery for beginners. It is a very simplified with a tiny twisting part at the base of the vape to allow users to range from 3-5 volts. This gives any new user the fun of variable voltage, but the simplicity of a low powered vape. This is best paired with the Aero Tank 3 or the EMOW/EMOW Mega, both made by Kangertech. All together, an EMOW tank with this battery would cost around $40.00 and will last a long time.
Been vaping for awhile and looking to upgrade or snatch a more powerful battery and tank? Look below at some of the top batteries and tank combinations to determine which would best fit you!
ELeaf iStick 30 Watt

ELeaf's perfect battery, and possible the perfect battery for any vaper.
The 30 watt iStick makes vaping at any power perfect. On the 30 watt, the wattage ranges from 5 to 30 watts, allowing it to be paired with many tanks, from sub ohm, to normal tanks. The battery lasts quite awhile and can be used while being charged through the most used access port in existence, micro usb. A few tanks that would work perfect with this particular battery are:
The 30 watt iStick makes vaping at any power perfect. On the 30 watt, the wattage ranges from 5 to 30 watts, allowing it to be paired with many tanks, from sub ohm, to normal tanks. The battery lasts quite awhile and can be used while being charged through the most used access port in existence, micro usb. A few tanks that would work perfect with this particular battery are:
- Aspires Atlantis sub ohm tank. (20W-30W)
- Kangertech's Sub Tank series, (All in the Series) (15W-30W)
- Aspires Nautilus series (5W-7.5W)
- Kangertech AeroTank and EMOW (5W-7.5W)
Kangertech K-Box

The box that opens a new world to vaping.
The Kangertech K-Box opens up the simplicity of variable voltage boxes, sub ohm tanks, and RDA's. With up to 40 Watts power, this mod can run your Kangertech Subtanks and Aspire Atlantis's with ease. Becoming a more advanced vaper, RDA's are how you get the real clouds, and this box allows for you to run one at lower wattage to get used to using an RDA. The K-Box is powered by an 18650 battery, the battery most Mech Mods and high powered boxes like the Sigelei 100 and 150 Watt. Learning to use and charge 18650's is important to becoming an avid user of high powered Mods. If you are hoping to become an expert, this could be the mod for you.
The Kangertech K-Box opens up the simplicity of variable voltage boxes, sub ohm tanks, and RDA's. With up to 40 Watts power, this mod can run your Kangertech Subtanks and Aspire Atlantis's with ease. Becoming a more advanced vaper, RDA's are how you get the real clouds, and this box allows for you to run one at lower wattage to get used to using an RDA. The K-Box is powered by an 18650 battery, the battery most Mech Mods and high powered boxes like the Sigelei 100 and 150 Watt. Learning to use and charge 18650's is important to becoming an avid user of high powered Mods. If you are hoping to become an expert, this could be the mod for you.
IPV Mini

Another eye opening, 18650 powered, mini box.
By Pioneer4you, comes the iPV Mini. Like the K-Box by Kangertech, this box is powered by a single 18650 battery and peaks at 30 Watts power. If you are looking for a similar box like the iStick 30 Watt, but want to use the 18650 batteries, this is your mod. With a similar layout as the iStick series, the two sets of buttons on the bottom allow for the wattage to be changed, and the button on the top fires it. This mod is very simple and can be paired with the same tanks as the iStick 30 Watt.
By Pioneer4you, comes the iPV Mini. Like the K-Box by Kangertech, this box is powered by a single 18650 battery and peaks at 30 Watts power. If you are looking for a similar box like the iStick 30 Watt, but want to use the 18650 batteries, this is your mod. With a similar layout as the iStick series, the two sets of buttons on the bottom allow for the wattage to be changed, and the button on the top fires it. This mod is very simple and can be paired with the same tanks as the iStick 30 Watt.
The level of box Mods and mechanicals. There are 2 different mods listed here, Box Mods and Mechanical (Mech) Mods. Both will be described to help determine which is the right mod for you.
Box Mods
iStick 50 Watt

The beginner box, of the expert level.
With 50 watts of power, a long battery life, a modern charge port, and a huge range of power, there couldn't be a more perfect mid size box out there. The iStick 50 Watt makes any vaper want one. You can run a low power Nautilus or a sub ohm, high power Atlantis. You can also run RDA's on a range of 30W-50W depending on the power you want for your RDA. The versatility of what tanks can be run makes this box the perfect vape for anyone. You can run virtually any tank of your choice and still have enough power to run an RDA. And not to mention the long battery life, quick charging, and can be used while it is charging!
With 50 watts of power, a long battery life, a modern charge port, and a huge range of power, there couldn't be a more perfect mid size box out there. The iStick 50 Watt makes any vaper want one. You can run a low power Nautilus or a sub ohm, high power Atlantis. You can also run RDA's on a range of 30W-50W depending on the power you want for your RDA. The versatility of what tanks can be run makes this box the perfect vape for anyone. You can run virtually any tank of your choice and still have enough power to run an RDA. And not to mention the long battery life, quick charging, and can be used while it is charging!